Senior Airman Chayse Anderer returned home from active duty in Afghanistan and rejoined Heemer, Klein & Company – PLLC’s staff after serving almost four months at an Air Force Base overseas.
Chayse, a bookkeeper with the firm since August of 2018, was stationed in Afghanistan from April through July.
“I’m the third generation in my family to serve in the military so I’m proud to keep that legacy alive,” Chayse said. “It was an experience I’ll never forget. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my peers, family, friends, and the close-knit staff at Heemer, Klein & Company.”
Chayse is back to working full-time at Heemer, Klein & Company – PLLC, taking a full schedule of classes at Macomb Community College with an accounting emphasis, and serves one weekend a month with the Air National Guard at Selfridge Air Force Base.
“We couldn’t be prouder of Chayse’s dedication to our country and our firm,” said Heemer, Klein & Company Accounting Manager and Principal Michelle Chmelko. “She even took college classes online while overseas. Her work ethic is amazing.”
In her limited spare time, Chayse enjoys riding her motorcycle, working out, and spending quality time with family and friends.